quarta-feira, março 11, 2009

"The Mind Gym"

A little quiz I took on facebook...

Harmless flirt?

You like to toy with temptation. You commit yourself to a relationship with every intention to remain faithful. But, as far as you are concerned, there is nothing wrong with a little bit of innocent flirtation. It’s just a bit of fun - you don’t expect it to go anywhere. And of course, it often doesn’t.

But sometimes you find that attractions take over and the longer it goes on, the harder it is to pull back. The more you mull over the ‘what if’s...’, the more you feel dissatisfied in your present relationship.

But the good news is, it’s easier to cure than you think. If you’re committed, then resolve to stop flirting. If you find yourself falling into old habits, reign yourself in. Be vigilant - even if you cross the line, pull yourself back quickly.

Your ability to resist temptation is 69%.

domingo, março 08, 2009

Life Sucks

Life sucks when you find out the people you love has been lying to you....
And then it hurts... a lot...
And minutes after, the pain fades away and leaves you with only anger...
And then, then you have a problem, 'cause if you are like me, you can't control your anger, you can't talk about it, and you'll be filling your own body with it until, someday, it will explode...
And when it explode, believe me, be somewhere else...

segunda-feira, março 02, 2009


Animals... Ah, animals... Our dearest friends in the world...
I've never wrote about them and now is the time. I have six: a dog, a goldfish, and four birds. One of the birds is with me for eigthteen years. And believe it or not, he knows me better then anyone. Can always tell when I'm down or when I'm happy. I don't know how he knows, but he knows...

How can so small animals love us so much? I love mine, each one in a special way and along the journey of my growth, they teached me a lot and helped me be a better person. I know they need me, to feed them, to pet them, and I need them to remind me of my humanity and to remind me also that I'm still alive....

To Tico, my friend for life; To Pilhas, my best adoption; To Nhec-Nhec, who wakes me up in the morning; To the two new birds, that still don't have a name; And to my goldfish, who must be a super fish, because is alive for almost 3 years...


Life is stupid, you know?

This is a thought that occours to me very often...